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RFC & standards compatibility

This list presents the most notable standards and RFC that Halon has implemented in regards to SMTP and MIME, and which we aim to support when applicable in order to achieve maximum interopability and compliancy.

LinkShort nameLong nameIntroducedHalon Version
rfc1870SIZESMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration20205.4 (2.0)
rfc2033LMTPLocal Mail Transfer Protocol20143.2.9
rfc2034ENHANCEDSTATUSCODESSMTP Service Extension for Returning Enhanced Error Codes20082.0
rfc2045MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message Bodies20082.0
rfc2046MIMEMultipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) Part Two: Media Types20082.0
rfc2047MIMEMIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) Part Three: Message Header Extensions for Non-ASCII Text20082.0
rfc2183MIMECommunicating Presentation Information in Internet Messages: The Content-Disposition Header Field20082.0
rfc2231MIMEMIME Parameter Value and Encoded Word Extensions: Character Sets, Languages, and Continuations20082.0
rfc2920PIPELININGSMTP Service Extension for Command Pipelining20082.0
rfc3030CHUNKINGSMTP Service Extensions for Transmission of Large and Binary MIME Messages20205.4
rfc3207STARTTLSSMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security20082.0
rfc3461DSNSimple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications (DSNs)20082.0
rfc3463Enhanced Mail System Status Codes20082.0
rfc3464DSNAn Extensible Message Format for Delivery Status Notifications20082.0
rfc3848ESMTP and LMTP Transmission Types Registration20082.0
rfc4954AUTHSMTP Service Extension for Authentication20082.0
rfc5321SMTPSimple Mail Transfer Protocol20082.0
rfc5322Internet Message Format20082.0
rfc5782DNSBLDNS Blacklists and Whitelists20112.2
rfc5965ARFAn Extensible Format for Email Feedback Reports2021n/a
rfc61528BITMIMESMTP Service Extension for 8-bit MIME Transport20082.0
rfc6376DKIMDomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures20102.2
rfc6409Message Submission for Mail20082.0
rfc6522DSNThe Multipart/Report Media Type for the Reporting of Mail System Administrative Messages20082.0
rfc6531SMTPUTF8SMTP Extension for SMTPUTF820174.0
rfc6532Internationalized Email Headers20082.0
rfc6533DSNInternationalized Delivery Status and Disposition Notifications20082.0
rfc6698DANEThe DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol: TLSA20153.4.2
rfc7208SPFSender Policy Framework (SPF) for Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version 120082.0
rfc7489DMARCDomain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)20133.0.8
rfc7505A "Null MX" No Service Resource Record for Domains That Accept No Mail20184.5
rfc7672DANESMTP Security via Opportunistic DNS-Based Authentication of Named Entities (DANE) Transport Layer Security (TLS)20153.4.2
rfc8301DKIMCryptographic Algorithm and Key Usage Update to DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)20082.0
rfc8314Implicit TLSCleartext Considered Obsolete: Use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) for Email Submission and Access20082.0
rfc8446TLS 1.3The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.320195.0
rfc8460TLS-RPTSMTP TLS Reporting20184.8
rfc8461MTA-STSSMTP MTA Strict Transport Security (MTA-STS)2018n/a
rfc8463Ed25519A New Cryptographic Signature Method for DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM)20184.7
rfc8601Authentication-ResultsMessage Header Field for Indicating Message Authentication Status2021n/a
rfc8616DKIMEmail Authentication for Internationalized Mail20246.2
rfc8617ARCThe Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) Protocol20184.7
BIMIBIMIBrand Indicators for Message Identification (BIMI)2021n/a
PROXY protocolPROXYThe PROXY protocol (1 & 2)20163.5