eXpurgate anti-spam

Halon provides a threat detection add-on from Eleven. It detects email-borne spam and malware in real-time, with classification already in the first minutes after a new outbreak is launched. It is designed to minimize the exposure of users to the high magnitude of email-borne threats and to deliver nearly 100% protection against massive spam and virus attacks with a very low false positive rate.

Eleven’s classification methodology identifies threat patterns in real-time as they are released to the Internet within an outbreak. It can be used for incoming email filtering to protect customers or users from receiving spam. It can also be used to enable service providers the ability to detect and block outbound spam messages, thereby protecting their business reputation and avoid being blocklisted by other servers.

For more information, please see the Features section.

This is the documentation for the eXpurgate anti-spam add-on option. The package consists of one service called expurgate-spamd which can be used to scan messages for spam.

Table of contents