7. Integration

MSUI offers a lot of options for integrating with Halon which in combination with the Halon Scripting Language (HSL) provides a high degree of flexibility.

The choice of which settings to offer, and using what permission levels, is configurable within the UI. The values can then be accessed with HSL to make processing decisions for each smtp transaction.


The sample configuration files located under /opt/halon/msui/share/examples/hsl contains sample scripts for inbound and outbound email processing (includes routing, SPF, DMARC, anti-spam, anti-spam and more). It uses the msui-config.yaml configuration file that is created by the configuration export function in MSUI. It also use the history plugin to send transactional logs to Elasticsearch.

7.1. MSUI Client

The MSUI client should be installed on every Halon node that needs to be able to integrate with MSUI. Follow the instructions in our manual to add our package repository and then run the below command.

7.1.1. Ubuntu

$ apt-get install halon-extras-msui-client

7.1.2. RHEL

$ yum install halon-extras-msui-client

7.2. Settings in MSUI

By using the class provided by the MSUI client plugin you can fetch various settings from the exported configuration file, for example:

// Managed Service UI
import { msui } from "extras://msui-client";
$msui = msui();

$settings = $msui->getDomainSettings("example.com");

if ($settings["dkim"]) {
    $mail->signDKIM($settings["dkim"]["selector"], "example.com", $settings["dkim"]["privatekey"]);

The scope for a setting can either be set to the entire domain or for individual users, depending on the use-case. This is determined by the “Availability” option in the UI.

// Managed Service UI
import { msui } from "extras://msui-client";
$msui = msui();

$settings = $msui->getUserSettings("[email protected]");

if ($settings["allowlist"]) {
    if (array_includes($connection["remoteip"], $settings["allowlist"])) {

Invoking the msui.getUserSettings() method will get the domain settings by default if there are no excplicit settings set for the user-scope, in other words the settings on the user level will have priority over the domain (unless the msui.getDomainSettings() method is used instead).


It is recommended to create a HSL script file that can be used to verify data from the exported configuration, such as msui/test.hsl. This way you can send queries to MSUI and fetch the values of the settings to see if they are behaving as expected (Configuration > Settings):

// Managed Service UI
import { msui } from "extras://msui-client";
$msui = msui();

$recipientdomain = "";
$recipient = "";

echo $msui->getDomainSettings($recipientdomain);
echo $msui->getUserSettings($recipient);

This can then be run either from the command line or using the Halon debugger for VSCode.