2. Configuration
The MSUI configuration is done through files in YAML format:
msui.yaml (MSUI service configuration)
msui-history.yaml (History logging component)
Example configuration files can be found in /opt/halon/msui/share/examples/
and copied
to /etc/halon/
which is the default path for the configuration files. These files is a good
starting point to start configure the MSUI service.
The following configuration examples helps you define the basic settings for MSUI, such as the listener and port, database connection information and credentials, and which authentication methods that should be enabled. For settings related to email tracking and statistics, check out the history logging section. Most of the settings are optional but exist to give a high degree of customization for any given setup, to make it easier to get started the minimal requirements to get started have been listed below. Other settings that are more specific to individual setups can be found at additional settings.
2.1. Minimal configuration
Start by configure the following settings after your requirements:
Specify the listener host/port
Specify the MySQL database connection information and credentials
Set up the authentication method for logging into MSUI (local/remote/ldap)
Activate history logging (optional but highly recommended)
2.1.1. Listener configuration
Below is a basic listener configuration, it specifies which port MSUI should listen on. Multiple servers[] can be used in cases where different authentication methods are needed.
- [...]
port: 80
2.1.2. Database configuration
A MySQL or MariaDB database is required to store various data in MSUI such as domains and settings. In order for MSUI to connect to the database, update the host, port, database name, and user credentials to what you specified during the initial setup.
- [...]
client: "mysql2"
port: 3306
database: "db_name"
user: "db_user"
password: "db_user_password"
2.1.3. Basic authentication
The most basic form of authentication are local users defined directly in the configuration file.
- [...]
- username: "admin"
password: ""
For local users the password needs to be stored as an encrypted password, follow these instructions
how to generate a password.
More detailed examples of different auth can be found further down in this chapter.
2.2. Authentication methods
There are several ways to authenticate users in MSUI. It is possible to specify local users directly in the configuration, forwarded header or check against an LDAP server. For all authentication methods except local users, the username has to be an valid email address.
Note that using forwarded header cannot be combined with database, ldap or local users.
2.2.1. Local users and database example
This example combines two types of authentication methods, local users and database.
- [...]
- username: "admin"
password: ""
minlength: 6
enabled: true
strength: "medium"
lockout: 10
maxage: 3600
enabled: true
max: 5
windowMs: 120000
2.2.2. Forwarded header example
This authentication method will trust the provided headers set by a reverse proxy infront of MSUI. The fieldname HTTP header should be an email address that can be mapped to a username in MSUI.
This option can be used as single sign-on for MSUI where the reverse proxy web server handles the session validation.
fieldname: "x-forwarded-user"
fieldname: "x-forwarded-user-alias"
separator: ","
2.2.3. LDAP example
You can use multiple LDAP sources for authentication.
- name: "example"
- "example.com"
identifier: "mail"
url: "ldaps://ldapserver.example.com"
bindDN: "CN=ldapuser,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com"
bindCredentials: "badsecret"
searchBase: "DC=example,DC=com"
searchFilter: "(&(objectcategory=person)(objectclass=user)(mail={{username}}))"
rejectUnauthorized: true
2.3. Additional settings
MSUI offers a lot of customizability, a lot of the settings are optional but available if needed. Below are
the different directives that are available within msui.yaml
2.3.1. Server directives
The server directives specify the connection to the server running the MSUI instance.
- servers[].server
The server settings for backend and frontend.
- servers[].server.host
Specify a IPv4/IPv6 address that the server should bind to, if empty/missing it will bind to
- servers[].server.port
The server port.
- servers[].server.apikey
A secret key that must be included as a header (X-API-Key) for all /api requests.
- servers[].server.healthcheck
API healthcheck (disabled by default).
- servers[].server.healthcheck.enabled
Enable or disable the healthcheck.
- servers[].server.healthcheck.apikey
Set the api key required for healthcheck.
- servers[].server.certfile
Path to public certificate.
- servers[].server.keyfile
Path to private key.
- servers[].server.proxy
Enable when running behind a proxy, e.g. NGINX, https://expressjs.com/en/guide/behind-proxies.html.
- servers[].server.proxy.enabled
Enable or disable proxy.
- servers[].server.proxy.ip
Set the IP of the proxy.
2.3.2. Database directives
The database directives control the connection for the database containing the MSUI settings and users.
- servers[].database
The database settings.
- servers[].database.client
Specify database type.
- servers[].database.connection
The database connection settings.
- servers[].database.connection.host
The hostname of the database server.
- servers[].database.connection.port
The port used for the database server.
- servers[].database.connection.database
The name of the database for MSUI.
- servers[].database.connection.user
The database user.
- servers[].database.connection.password
The password for the database user.
2.3.3. App directives
- servers[].app
Generic settings for MSUI.
- servers[].app.domain
Domain related settings.
- servers[].app.domain.verification
Enables DNS based domain verification. Each new domain needs to be verified with a TXT based DNS record (
- servers[].app.domain.verification.txt
Settings for the TXT record.
- servers[].app.domain.verification.txt.prefix
Change the default TXT prefix.
- servers[].app.domain.verification.resolver
DNS resolver settings.
- servers[].app.domain.verification.resolver.enabled
Enable or disable the resolver.
- servers[].app.domain.verification.resolver.interval
Set the interval how often MSUI should check unverified domains.
2.3.4. Frontend directives
- servers[].frontend
Frontend settings for MSUI.
- servers[].frontend.enabled
Enable (default) or disable the frontend.
- servers[].frontend.url
Set URL to be used for digest report links.
- servers[].frontend.locale
Set the locale (language) for the UI.
- servers[].frontend.locale.path
Override the default path (./locales) for locales.
2.3.5. Backend directives
- servers[].backend
Backend settings for MSUI.
- servers[].backend.xhr
Enable or disable backend requests to /xhr (frontend).
- servers[].backend.xhr.enabled
Enable (default) or disable backend requests to /xhr (frontend).
- servers[].backend.api
Enable or disable backend requests to /api (public API).
- servers[].backend.api.enabled
Enable (default) or disable backend requests to /api (public API).
- servers[].backend.api.restrict
Restrict API access for specific source IPs.
- servers[].backend.api.restrict.sourceip
Restrict API access for specific source IPs.
2.3.6. Authentication directives
- servers[].auth.timeout
Set the default response delay (500ms) for failed authenications.
2.3.7. User authentication directives
Static settings pertaining to user accounts for logging into MSUI.
- servers[].auth.source.users[]
Local admin accounts.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].username
The username. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].password
The hashed password.
The password needs to be encrypted using bcrypt. You can run the following command to generate a password:
$ /opt/halon/msui/bin/generatepass
- servers[].auth.source.users[].totp
Enable two-factor authentication.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].totp.secret
GET /xhr/session/totp/generate
- servers[].auth.source.users[].permissions
Permissions can be specified for any given user to limit what they are allowed to see and edit, possible values for each scope is either read or write.
- username: "localadmin"
password: "badpassword"
domains: "read"
users: "write"
settings: "write"
audit: "read"
- servers[].auth.source.users[].permissions.domains
Sets the permission scope for the domains.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].permissions.users
Sets the permission scope for the users.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].permissions.settings
Sets the permission scope for the MSUI settings.
- servers[].auth.source.users[].permissions.audit
Sets the permission scope for the audit log.
2.3.8. Access token authentication directives
Access tokens can be used to authenticate a user without a valid session. Every HTTP request has to include the x-api-key header.
- servers[].auth.source.accesstoken
Settings for API accesstokens. Permissions are set to the account’s permissions.
- servers[].auth.source.accesstoken.enabled
true or false
auth: [...] accesstoken: enabled: true
2.3.9. LDAP authentication directives
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[]
Configuration options for defining LDAP authentication sources.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].name
A unique name for the LDAP source. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].domain
String matched domain, or an array to match multiple domains. Supports * to catch all domains.”. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].identifier
The attribute used to identify the username. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options
Visit https://github.com/vesse/passport-ldapauth for all available options. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server
Configuration options for the LDAP server.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server.url
The URL of the LDAP server. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server.bindDN
The Distinguished Name (DN) to bind to the LDAP server. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server.bindCredentials
The credentials used to bind to the LDAP server. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server.searchBase
The base DN from which to search for users in the LDAP server. Required.
- servers[].auth.source.ldap[].options.server.searchfilter
The LDAP filter to use when searching for users. Required.
2.3.10. Forwarded header authentication directives
- servers[].auth.source.header
Remote authentication strategy. Header field values must always be set by a trusted proxy server.
- servers[].auth.source.header.fieldname
Specify a header field name that should be mapped with the login username.
- servers[].auth.source.header.rewrite
Rewrite login credentials (email localpart and/or domain).
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias
Mapping of alias.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.fieldname
Specify a header field name that should be mapped with alias.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.convert
Convert existing users (by deleting) to alias if provided via the alias header.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.convert.user
The settings for converting users to alias.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.convert.user.enabled
Enables converting of existing users to alias.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.convert.user.restrict
Set the restrictions for alias converting.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.convert.user.restrict.domain
Only convert users to alias within the same domain.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.split
Split header field value into multiple aliases.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.split.separator
The seperator value that should be used to split the field value.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.split.regex
The matching regex that should be used to split the field value.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.loginas
Allow login as alias.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.loginas.enabled
Enable or disable the login as alias feature.
- servers[].auth.source.header.alias.loginas.domains
Restrict login for specific domains.
- servers[].auth.source.header.restrict
Restrict access for specific domains (will be inherited by the owner value) by header field value.
2.3.11. Database password directives
Set a password policy for database users.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password
Set a global password policy (requires database auth).
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.minlength
Default minimum password length is 4.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.complexity
Password complexity.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.complexity.enabled
Enable password complexity.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.complexity.strength
Set the password complexity level of the database password.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.age
The shortest/longest period of time (in days) that a password must/can be used before the user can change it.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.age.max
Maximum age in days.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.age.min
Minimum age in days.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.history
Enforce password history.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.lockout
Lock account after a number of failed login attempts.
- servers[].auth.source.database.password.roles
Set an password policy per role.
2.3.12. Session directives
Configure session properties that apply to all types of authentication except access tokens.
- servers[].auth.session
Settings for each authentication session.
- servers[].auth.session.name
Specify a session name/prefix, default is
- servers[].auth.session.secret
Specify a secret string that will be used to for session data, default is crypto.randomBytes.
- servers[].auth.session.store
Select the data storage to be used.
- servers[].auth.session.maxage
Session max age in seconds, default is 3600 seconds.
- servers[].auth.session.filestore
Options for the session file store.
- servers[].auth.session.filestore.path
The directory where the session files will be stored. Defaults to
- servers[].auth.session.redis
Options for the Redis Client
- servers[].auth.session.redis.options
2.3.13. Rate limit directives
Apply rate limits on failed authentications.
- servers[].auth.ratelimit
https://www.npmjs.com/package/express-rate-limit for available options.
- servers[].auth.ratelimit.enabled
Enable rate limit.
- servers[].auth.ratelimit.max
Set amount of login attempts before getting locked out.
- servers[].auth.ratelimit.windowMs
Time (in seconds) to be locked out after reaching max failed logins.
- servers[].auth.ratelimit.message
Message to display in UI when locked out.
2.3.14. Audit log directives
- servers[].auditlog
Settings related to the audit log.
- servers[].auditlog.enabled
Enable or disable the audit log.
- servers[].auditlog.logsize
Define how many items that are stored in the database.
- servers[].auditlog.interval
Interval in seconds for the cleanup task.
- servers[].auditlog.logging
Audit log options.
- servers[].auditlog.logging.login.failed
true or false. Enable logging for all failed login attempts.
2.3.15. FP/FN Report settings
Configure settings for spam reporting.
- servers[].report.report_fp_url
The URL to send false positive spam report.
- servers[].report.report_fp_url_expurgate_id
The URL to send false positive spam reports using expurgate_id
- servers[].report.report_fn_url
The URL to send false negative spam report.
- servers[].report.report_case_status_url
The URL to get status updates from.
- servers[].report.token
Identification token from Halon or third party supplier.
- servers[].report.explainer_token
Identification token for third party supplier to be used against eXplainer API.
- servers[].report.report_explainer_url
The URL used for eXplainer API.