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Monitoring with Prometheus

The Halon MTA can be easily monitored using Prometheus with the help of their Node Exporter.

Exporting the metrics

Below is an example on how you can use the halonctl process-stats command to export the values in their text-based format.

halonctl process-stats --openmetrics > /halon-stats/process-stats.prom.$$
mv /halon-stats/process-stats.prom.$$ /halon-stats/process-stats.prom

This command can then easily be ran in a cronjob and then you can have the output be parsed by Node Exporter like this:

node_exporter --collector.disable-defaults \
--collector.textfile \

You can use http://localhost:9100/metrics to verify that the metrics are populated correctly.

Fetching the metrics

Finally you can configure Prometheus to fetch the data from Node Exporter like this:

scrape_interval: 1m
- job_name: halon
- targets: ["localhost:9100"]

You can use http://localhost:9090/graph to verify that the metrics are populated correctly.